me: Serenity? what are you doing here? where have you been?
Serenity: waiting for you silly, i knew that you were getting close to remembering and that it would lead you here.
me: whats going on? why can i remember some things and not others? and why didn't you tell me i had a sister.
Serenity: i didn't tell you to protect you, if i had told you you would have spent your life looking for her instead of focusing on your own happiness. Your memories are locked. They are locked for a reason. Amethyst your parents are were anything but normal. You see your mother was a magi.
me: magi? and what is that exactly?
Serenity: Magi are a special group of people that have extraordinary powers. With a flick of her wrist your mother could make things happen.
me: wait. I thought you told me my parents were berries? You know they originated from sugar valley.
Serenity: In part yes, your father was a berry. Your mother came from a planet called Lune, from a town called Lunar lake. She left that place because some people wanted to use her powers for evil. When she came here she came for a fresh start, thats when she met your father.
me: go on...
Serenity: they were happy, they had two little girls. Your mother thought that her gifts would be passed down to both children but only one child showed she had powers. Your parents were happy none the less. They had two beautiful healthy little girls. All that changed one day..
me: the accident?
Serenity: Yes the accident. They were all in the car when your mother noticed someone following her. It was the same people from Lunar Lake. She used all her powers to get them out of the way but it wasn't working, so she did the best thing she could have done. She looked at her husband and then she looked at her daughters and recited a spell. " tibi in fuerit ex me "
i start to think: From me to thee, it shall be. how do i know that?
Serenity laughs: you are your mothers daughter, some of your memories are coming through. With that one spell she passed on all her power except for a tiny bit on towards her daughters. As soon as the power seeped through, the daughters vanished and the car exploded killing your parents and the people from Lunar.
me: well i know I'm here but where did my sister go.
Serenity: well heres the thing, both daughters did have powers, just one was latent. You were the latent one, it was so much surge of power that you disappeared and reappeared back at the house. You sister on the other hand wasn't so lucky. You see she already had her power. Instead of reappearing back at the house she got stuck in limbo.
me: you mean to tell me she's been stuck there by herself and hasn't found a way back. we need to do something. SHES MY SISTER!!!
Serenity: i think its time you start to remember.....
my memories all started to come back to by one so fast...
me: OMB!! I remember.....
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