Thursday, May 17, 2012

Ch. 14

After cutting raiden and rivers birthday cakes i was pooped out, so i decided to take a nap.

i was where i don't know..

a house....what?...where am i?...wait am i dreaming?

someone putting a child to bed, i can't...i can't see who this is...i hear another voice..

OMB...i think..i think thats me...that means...thats my dad...and the other getting a headache...these must be my memories when i was a child....

i can't catch a glimpse of their faces...WAIT!! was putting her to bed..
theres me....

and now to see who my sister is and what she looks like....

as i lean over the crib and i start to get a headache...i can't see straight and everything starts going white...

i wake up with a jolt....

Great I'm left with more questions..i do have a sister but for some reason in my memories i can't remember her. And why can't i sees my parents faces. And that house, if my parents lived in that house, then who's house did they leave me? Tomorrow I'm going to have to go online and see if i can find that house. It has to be in sugar valley since my parents are from here. Maybe once i find that house i will find the answers to all my questions. Especially where is serenity and why hasn't she been around.

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