Monday, May 14, 2012

Ch. 11

Well the park was a no go. By the time i finished looking online all the kids were asleep

 except for rogue.. so i decided to take a stroll with just her.

After a short stroll i decided to head back home and go to sleep, taking care of six kids is a lot of work. Im so exhausted that a vacation would be so nice about now.

The next morning i decided to hire some help. Aiden and I could not keep up with 6 children all at once. We called for a live in nanny and they sent someone over right away. He was a lifesaver. I showed him around the house and explained to him what needed to be done for each room and the kids. 

I even decorated a room just for him..

Now that i had some help lets see if i can now somewhat have a normal life, and now that i have a little bit of more free time on my hands its time to investigate more about my family history. I need to find out who serenity really is...and how she's connected to my family.

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